Monday, 14 April 2014

Must-Have Elements on a School Website

Like any sector, the marvels of web development benefit education also. Nowadays, every school has a website; however, there lies a distinction between a plain school site and the best educational website. There are few elements that should be present on an educational internet site to heighten the visitors’ experience. Read on to discover these elements.

Inviting and friendly design

Inviting, user-friendly design must be present at a school’s website. One must remember that the educational site is viewed by students (existing as well as prospective) and their parents. A friendly site design always helps the visitors find the desired information in no time. Additionally, use photos along with bright colors to fill the empty spaces. Design a charming homepage as it is the face of the website.

Up-to-date information

An education internet site must be updated regularly. Focus on updating the newsletters; if done otherwise, then a sense of mismanagement and neglect is reflected. Always note, a website is today’s cutting-edge marketing tool.

A webpage having the photos of key staffers

A smiling photo of each staffer with his/her experience should be present on a section of the website. Do not cram the place by giving lengthy details of every staffer. A group photo of the entire staff is also useful.

A blog section

Having a blog is beneficial for building an image of the school. A blog that describes the everyday working at the school helps the visitors – especially prospective parents – get a feel of what is happening in the campus.

Great photos

Nice pictures of the campus as well as students should be uploaded on the website to make it enchanting. A gallery section should be present in a school website, describing the life at the campus. Great photos on a school site guide it to be among the best educational websites.

If a school site has all of these elements, then it can be ranked among the top 10 educational websites.

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